Concurrent Session 3C – Addressing PFAS at Brownfield Sites

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of contaminants increasingly subject to environmental regulation. Recently the U.S. EPA published Lifetime Health Advisories for two PFAS at part-per-quadrillion levels not yet attainable by analytical labs. Hence, PFAS have engendered considerable public concerns, and their widespread uses and ubiquitous environmental presence makes it likely that PFAS will be detected in environmental sampling. However, inclusion of PFAS in site investigations is not necessarily required as regulations are still developing. This session will focus on providing useful information on PFAS and risk management. Methods available for identifying PFAS in water and soil/sediment will be covered along with state regulations and developments forthcoming from the U.S EPA’s PFAS roadmap. Data from background studies will be presented to provide context for expected PFAS concentrations at sites, along with information on the types of sites at which PFAS are likely to be found. Methods to mitigate health risks through institutional controls and remediation will be discussed, as well as logistical issues of incorporating PFAS into existing frameworks for site redevelopment and liability protection.