Concurrent Session 2C – Truly Emerging Contaminants & Environmental Insurance Impact

There are numerous environmental and social benefits associated with redevelopment of a brownfield site; however, growth in environmental awareness & increased environmental regulatory scrutiny poses new challenges to redevelopment professionals. As emerging contaminants continue to gain traction with regulatory authorities, there may be continued effects on redevelopment professionals working on brownfield sites. Environmental issues can prove detrimental for redevelopment projects. While PFA has been the main focus of regulators recently, there are many other emerging & unregulated contaminants that may be harmful to the financial wellbeing of redevelopers if discovered on their sites. This leads to the need to have a solid understanding of the environmental risks associated with redevelopment. Otherwise, construction delays, environmental & civil fines as well as other financially taxing issues may arise. Environmental liability insurance plays a critical role by providing crucial coverage against losses that may be incurred due to regulatory action arising from pollution or contamination. The need for a safeguard is more prevalent than ever & can be obtained through environmental pollution liability insurance coverage.