Terry Wesley is Chief of the Brownfields Section – EPA Region 2, and oversees the implementation of the 2018 Brownfields Utilization, Investment and Local Development (BUILD) Act. The Act is designed to provide certain relief for small businesses from liability under CERCLA and to amend CERCLA to: (i) promote cleanup and reuse of Brownfields, (ii) provide financial assistance for Brownfields revitalization and (iii) enhance State and Tribal response programs. The Brownfields Section oversees the agency’s resources, as provided, for implementation of these activities and acts as a liaison with other EPA support programs – i.e., legal, grants management, technical assistance contracts. The unit is responsible to conduct outreach to engage/inform stakeholders of these resources. The Section collaborates on brownfields redevelopment activities with a variety of federal and state agencies, including Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Army Corps of Engineers, Agriculture-Rural Services, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), Small Business Administration (SBA), Department of Transportation (DOT) and states’ environmental and economic development agencies. The Section manages various competitive EPA Brownfields grant programs in Region 2 including: assessments, cleanups, revolving loan fund, multi-purpose, area-wide planning, state response programs, and job training. The Section also provides free technical assistance/resources through EPA’s Technical Assistance for Brownfields (TAB), Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) and Land Revitalization Technical Assistance contract programs. In November 2021, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided an historic infusion of funding ($1.5 Billion) to continue the agency’s work to transform countless lives and spur life-changing revitalization in communities large and small, urban and rural; all with the same desire to keep their neighborhoods healthy, sustainable and reflective of the people who call it home.