Mark R. Lewis is the Brownfields Coordinator for the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. Mark works with municipalities, developers and other private sector partners, the US Environmental Protection Agency and other federal and state partners to promote cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties throughout Connecticut. Mark was previously an environmental analyst in DEEP’s Remediation Division. Mark previously worked as an environmental consultant focusing on assessment and remediation of contaminated properties, as a land surveyor, and as a hydrologic technician for the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey. Mark is also a firefighter on DEEP’s Connecticut Interstate Fire Crew, which responds to wildfires throughout the United States and in Canada. Mark holds a B.S. in geology from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Mark is government member of the board of directors of the Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast and is a founding member of the Geological Society of Connecticut and an associate member of the Environmental Professionals Organization of Connecticut.